
Sexual Snowboarding: Master Bay Table | Helgasons and Friends Take Over

If your stomach is still full from yesterday’s historically questionable festivities, but you’re looing for some food for thought, then look no further because the Helgasons are at it again with enough hijinks to stuff you into a mild coma. The kid’s your mother warned you about are back, they’re making sure snowboarding stays provacatively sexual, and about as serious as your middle school relationship. Featuring the creative jib wizardry of Ethan Morgan, Eiki Helgason, Gulli Gudmundsson, Felix Engström, Halldor Helgason and Nils Arvidsson this edit is almost equal parts shredding and mischief. Make sure to stretch before this one ’cause your ribs are going to hurt once the shenanigans start ensuing.

Master Bay Table Full Movie 2015 from Sexual Snowboarding on Vimeo.


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