The Rock and Roll Express

Jamie Lynn, Temple Cummins, Russell Winfield, Jake Blattner, Wes Makepeace, Rip Zinger, Tim Stanford and Tim Zimmerman pile into an RV in Seattle, WA, and point it eastward. The destination? The Holy Bowly in Park City, UT. Equipped with a loose itinerary, a few Marshall Stacks and several guitars, they sleep in the dirt, turn it up past 11, and embrace the freedom of the open road. It’s a perfect moving violation known as The Rock And Roll Express.

The RV was like a time machine. You’re hopping into a home on wheels with a bunch of guys that have been around a really long time and you think maybe they’ve already done and seen everything you can on a snowboard trip. But it was simple and perfect: you put a bunch of guys together, and just see what happens. Most of the time when you go on a snowboard trip there are all these expectations to get a certain amount of shots or to achieve a certain thing for a video project. Those kinds of expectations were just thrown out the window immediately—we could just go and do whatever we wanted to do. Our only objective was to get to Holy Bowly. Everything else that happened was totally ancillary…

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