
Early Season Turns in the Montana Rockies

Checking in here with some early season conditions from Montana. For some reason El Nino decided to flip it’s usually flow, and point the hose towards the Northwest and Northern Rockies. We’re not complaining!

As December rolled around in Montana, the high peaks were looking pretty white, and it was time to get out for a sample. Although the trailhead was pretty thin, the upper elevations were pretty fat, and a coupled dozen switchbacks later we found ourselves standing on a snow-plastered summit within a sea of white. Not to mention the 2,000-foot backcountry shot of untouched powder below our feet.

But that was last weekend which is old news by now. Yesterday it was puking in the valleys, and the forecast calls for more snow through the weekend. Bring it!

Backcountry Snowboarding Montana

Nick Franzee pushes towards the top.


Madison Range Montana

The beautiful Madison Range.

Madison Range Montana


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