
“Weird and Bitchin:” Mervin MFG At Holy Bowly 2013

For the latest episode of “Weird and Bitchin,’” Mervin recaps the Holy Bowly in Tenjin, Japan. Holy Bowly proved to be a conveyor belt smorgasbord of weird. Lib Tech and Gnu riders stepped up to features that only Doctor Seuss (or Krush Kulesza and his Janapese compatriots) could have dreamt up: berms, bowls, boobs, sharkfins and hips. Accompanied by a classic punk rock, fireworks and push-ups, these flowing runs filled with methods, flips, gaps and laid-out slashes from the Mervin crew shows their ability to get internationally strange. Featuring Forest Bailey, Ted Borland, Jamie Lynn, Blake Paul, Jesse Burtner and friends.

Mervin At Lib Tech’s Holy Bowly from Snowboarder Magazine on Vimeo.


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