
Warp Wave: REM Cycle

Enter the dream space with Warp Wave in this 15 minute collage of snowboarding, artsy chicks, cool music and kalydescopes. If you have trouble with seisures, maybe sit this one out, but it will be your loss. This edit promotes fun and feeling over anything else, and sites the Bukowski poem that has become the standard for style oriented snowboarders, “Style is everything.”

It’s a good one to watch over a mid-day coffee, or right as your going to bed before a powder day. Whatever you like. Radical snowboarding is always good to have on your mind.

Featuring: Eric Messier, Gray Thompson, Brendan Gerard, Tim Eddy, Maxwell Carl Scott, Ben Rice, Nicholas Müller, Alex “Oz Man” Scott, Ryan Fagan, Curtis Woodman, Tor Lundstrom, Kirsten Power, and Lyndsie Lu


REM CYCLE from WARP WAVE on Vimeo.


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