
Don’t Fight It: “The Weather Outside is Weather” Trailer Presented by Think Thank

Weather is a powerful aspect of life. There is no controlling the weather. As snowboarders, we can get bummed when it doesn’t go our way, or we can rally the homies and embrace it to the fullest. There’s nothing better than when the conditions line up – and when they don’t, well, make the most of it. The Think Thank crew embodies this notion to the fullest. No matter the circumstances, whether there be five feet of powder or three inches of slush, this crew is happy to ride it all. See for yourself here in the trailer for their upcoming film, “The Weather Outside is Weather,” a creative mix of backcountry jumps, one-foot tricks, street rails and trashcan lid slides.

Featuring: Ted Borland, Ryan Paul, Brandon Reis, Max Warbington, Jesse Burtner, Freddy Perry, Sammy Spiteri, Nial Romanek, Justin Keniston, Parker Duke, Ben Bogart, Phil Hansen, Ryland West and The Big Mess.


Think Thank’s “The Weather Outside is Weather” Teaser from Think Thank on Vimeo.


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