Looser Than Disco-Foot: Love Games 2016 Video Recap
At The Love Games, an annual DIY get together in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, attendees can always count on seeing a few things: dedicated snowboarders coming together to help dig and shape features, a few impressive tricks and (of course) a whole lot of slams. The 2016 Love Games brought all three of those things and out of it came a great video, one reminiscient of those that came before the days of 4K. With blue skies overhead and soft slush underfoot, this session was looser than a binding with missing bolts.
Featuring: Sean Murphy, Kit Hendrickson, Justin Phipps, Erich Dummer, Aaron Golbeck, Nate Cordero, Seth Hill, Dylan Alito, Chad Otterstrom, Alex Andrews, Hunter Frutchey, Austin Gregory, Ben Lynch, Mike Rav, Collin Walters, Jade Phelan, Ian Boll, Cody Cooper & Ethan Campbell.
Love Games 2016 from Installite on Vimeo.