Ben Lynch

Grand Lakes, CO native Ben Lynch is making a name for himself with powder cowboy antics and back-to-the-source living. Lynch weighs in on fisticuffing, snowboarding with his mom and his off-roading home.

Some friends and I are walking up to a local bar in Truckee, CA, for a November movie premier. A hundred people are milling around out front, but one stands out while he blends in: a Colorado cowboy wearing a camouflage jacket and wide-brimmed hat. Getting closer, I can see his leather boots, mustache, bottom lip full of chew, and Coors in hand. He recognizes us and, with a rancher’s twang, says “Howdy.” Turns out we totally know this dude. Ben Lynch may look out of place, but he’s somehow right at home.

Ben is a boarder of the toppest notch. He’s got style, loves to go downside up, has one hell of a turn, and does not give a care about anything—the kind of rider that makes snowboarding a better place. He also loves to light farts on fire, jam the guitar, enjoy the great outdoors, and keep everyone on their toes with his humorous antics—the kind of human that makes the world a better place…

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