Hitchhiking skiers.


Bogus Basin

GEM OF THE TREASURE VALLEY: Enough to Go Around at Bogus Basin

It’s nearly 10 o’clock on a Wednesday morning at Bogus Basin Recreation Area, but only two dozen people are waiting in line at the top of the Pioneer Lodge and the bottom of the Deer Point Express lift. Last night the ski area received four inches of fresh snow, and around here, we call that a powder day. Still, this light traffic is typical for midweek. A lot of the folks in line are locals ranging from their late 20s to early 40s. Most of them know each other, and most of them have a gist of which little zone each respective crew is headed to when it’s go-time. It’s easy to recognize the regulars; they seem to be here every single time it snows.

Situated roughly 15 miles north of Idaho’s capital city, Boise, Bogus Basin is the cherished gem of the Treasure Valley. A ski area void of suit-and-tie shareholders and cluttered commercial condos mucking up the base of the mountain, this non-profit, community funded organization serves a city of nearly 250,000 souls with a small-town atmosphere. Therein lies its charm. But it’s the legendary locals and their widespread impact that really give Bogus Basin its draw…

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