
Forest Bailey

True Goodness: Forest Bailey’s Avenues of Expression

Forest Bailey doesn’t need to be the loudest in the room to be heard. He’s approachable but direct, opinionated yet open. He’s accepting of new perspectives and experiences and likes to see both sides of any coin. And one thing’s for sure: Forest operates on his own terms.

An accomplished artist with both board and brush, boldness emanates through Forest’s riding and painting. He describes these avenues of expression as extensions of himself, and the aesthetic of each is synonymous with its creator. These complimentary outlets have become increasingly intertwined over the course of the 29-year-old’s professional snowboarding career, which already spans well over a decade. His artistic and athletic work resonates deeply with the snowboard community, and there’s good reason for that. Of course, it’s only explainable to an extent. The rest is open to interpretation.

Recently, Forest told us his story—one of rapid success coupled with patient exploration in public spheres and on personal levels. From his early days as a Vermont grom to becoming a globally renowned all-terrain aficionado, from days spent drawing rudimentary doodles to creating beloved board graphics, outerwear and more, Forest’s influence starts with well-balanced self-ownership. In similar fashion to his avenues of expression, Forest came through colorfully…

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“I call this mural in Portland [OR] ‘Big Fam.’ I made it in 2018. I hope that when you walk by it, it makes you smile and remember that we are all one big family.”—Forest Bailey 
Photo: Darrell Mathes

“I call this mural in Portland [OR] ‘Big Fam.’ I made it in 2018. I hope that when you walk by it, it makes you smile and remember that we are all one big family.”—Forest Bailey Photo: Darrell Mathes


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