Justin Hostynek

From his childhood on a Swiss mountainside to his current status as family man in Interior British Columbia, Justin Hostynek has an innate passion for snow. A man of few words, the creative visionary behind Absinthe Films can be intimidating in his singular focus on the job at hand. But get to know him, and you will find a complex and devoted individual who has always understood his role as a purveyor of stoke—who now, at 45 years young, continues to carry the torch for independent snowboard filmmakers. Hostynek vision, from the mundane to the divine.

As Justin Hostynek explains where he intends to position himself to the pilot and guide they are apprehensive. They want to facilitate his vision. They know that when he gets an idea, as loose as it may sound, it usually produces special footage. He’s proved it to them year after year. Yet standing on the skid hanging out and away from the helicopter as it navigates amongst towering vertical walls of ice and rock over barely rideable slivers of snow is an exposed position, to say the least. It’s Hostynek though, so it’s gonna happen. The three approach the plan with caution. Less than fifteen minutes later I am staring him dead in the face as the heli lifts off its perch and the earth drops away. In seconds, there is nothing but air between his ass and the glacier several thousand feet below. A simple daisy chain, climbing harness and carabineer secure him to the helicopter. The intensity in his eyes signals nothing short of complete commitment.

Hostynek is the man behind the mystique of Absinthe Films. Quick to avoid undue attention, he credits everyone who’s been involved over the years for Absinthe’s continuing success. It’s indicative of his humble demeanor. For 15 years, Absinthe has set the bar for creative documentation of the exploits of an ever-evolving and highly-talented group of shreds from around the globe…

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