
Lodging with lizards and cruising with Forrest Burki and Aaron Hooper of Will Film For Food in the Free Republic of Holidays, our editor finds a side of Swiss snowboarding only known to dedicated dirtbags – and the alpine payoff to match.

Words: Colin Wiseman

The bearded dragon was looking at me with that kind of cockeyed, emotionless stare that only lizards posess. I’d just woken up in my mummy bag, which was wedged between two board bags and perched atop two camping pads for comfort. My skin-shedding roommate had been up a good part of the night munching on lettuce scraps. He was a free-range reptile, with some kind of unseen escape hatch built into his cage; one of four lizards with whom I was bunking in this glorified storage closet in the Wellness Hostel 4000…

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